London School of Ministry
Ministry Leadership Training for Local Churches

the saints
London School of Ministry is committed to equipping and empowering leaders to establish vibrant, Spirit-filled churches throughout the World. God is rising up dynamic life-giving churches to bring transformation to lives and communities as they are faithful to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Rod, Birmingham
LSM is great place to train the head, heart and hands. I am so privileged to have completed the training LSM offered. It really helped me in my pastoral ministry.

Tricia, Bridgend
...The wealth of wisdom and teaching is practical and enjoyable.
The Presence of the Holy Spirit is very evident. We as a group are shown love [and] understanding to help us grow and fulfil the call of God on our our lives. I would definitely recommend London School of Ministry.

Tyron, London
LSM is unique in that it brings together teachers from across the globe to share and impart knowledge to a diverse group of leaders based in the UK. The fusion of difference highlights the oneness in Christ.

Ken, Swansea
“What I truly love about LSM is the diverse teachings and cultures that are represented. The Holy Spirit truly loves variety, and this is on display through LSM’s unique instructors and powerful students.”
Dean of Students
Tel. 079 3155 9676
Tel. 074 1563 9484
Email: schoolofministry@live.co.uk